Sunday, November 9, 2008

Travel Preperations

First things first... 31 days from today we will be heading home right about now... (1:31pm) so this marks the 31 day point!! How EXCITING! We miss you all so much!

Fan has invited me to take a short trip with her, so next week (Nov. 19th) I will be leaving Cullen to fend for himself for 6 days. He is very excited for me... maybe he's just excited that he will be able to relax for a few days alone.

We are headed to LIJIANG in YUNNAN province. For information on travel in LIJIANG go here:

Fan invited me because her husband was unable to go. They are such busy people.

The temperature right now in Beijing is ranging anywhere between 57F and 44F during the day and down to 32 and lower at night... this Friday is supposed to be 24F at night. I have become a bit concerned about the trip weather, and have been reassured that it is warmer during the day in LIJIANG than in Beijing. How wonderful.

I will definitely post more about the trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time in Lijiang.
Yes, day time the temps are high, because of the sun and clear skies - something to do with the altitude and lack of pollution.
There's more info about the area at